Youth Investment Fund

Financial Times publication Investors Chronicle
Invited Renaissance Foundation to speak on
Podcast Show ‘Lee and The IC’
Hosted by Associate Editor Alex Newman with regular guest and investor Lord John Lee of Trafford

The Podcast - Discussion

Much of what has been covered in Lee and the IC episodes is about financial literacy and in this episode, Alex and John take a step further by hosting three members from the Renaissance Foundation, a specialist London-based youth charity.

The foundation, among its other aims, hopes to bring financial literacy to young people who otherwise may not have exposure to the world of investing. It will soon launch the City of London Youth Investment Fund and Alex and John are joined by CEO, Sat Singh, and co-chairs of the fund, Ananya Chowdhury and Wahid Uddin, who benefitted from the foundation as children.

The five discuss a range of topics from the formation of the fund to their research methods when finding companies to invest in. Lord Lee shares insight from his six-decades-worth of experience as a private investor, and Alex and John also touch on his Lok'n Store holding and take questions from listeners.   

Renaissance Youth Investment Fund will launch in April 2025. RYIF will be a fully invested sterling fund created and managed for and by our young people, with support and oversight from proffessional investors.

If you or your organisation would to support what we do, sign up to our news letter or contact for more information on how you can get involved.